Full Time Game Dev - ( THOMAS BRUSH )
132 🔥
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Oct 22, 2022

Full Time Game Dev - ( THOMAS BRUSH )

One my greatest struggles growing up was feeling like I wasn't exceptionally smart. I've forever been an ungainly, off-kilter fella that struggles to rapidly understand ideas. I do, in any case, have a peculiar confidence in myself. I accept where it counts that anybody can possibly turn into a game developer. Getting by from independent games is conceivable!

I began making my most memorable commercial delivery in school, and proceeded with its development while working a work area work I loathed. I completed that game being totally self-taught. It was called Pinstripe, and since sending off, the rest is history. I've reliably procured six-figures in income for a portion of 10 years. My games Pinstripe and Neversong have sent off on essentially each and every stage, all while I've grown an enormous following of more than 215,000 endorsers, teaching game development on YouTube. I even made a game for the world's greatest YouTuber in only 14 days.

From Kickstarter to working with publishers, and in the middle between, I've done everything. I realize you can do it as well, and I will show you the easy routes to progress so you don't need to meander around carelessly for 10 years as I did! Let's get down to business!


Full Time Game Dev will take you from knowing nothing about game development to making money from your non mainstream game on the Steam store. We'll concentrate on marking, showcasing, publishers, Kickstarter, C# coding, Solidarity development, PR, sending off on Steam, and in the middle between! Following 10 years of making non mainstream games (and furthermore making a lot of missteps), I'm excited to show you what I've realized!

2D and 3D Craftsmanship Tutorials

100+ Bit by bit Recordings and Tutorials (31+ Hours)

Gain The Key To Getting Funding From Publishers

Go For The Steam First Page with Advertising Guidelines and Tutorials

Get familiar with The Rudiments of C# CodingTo Assemble Your Game!

Learn 2D and 3D Game Dev in C#

13 + Editable Exercise manuals To Assist with getting Your Full-Time Dream

I've Raised More than $198,000 on Kickstarter. I'll Show You The ropes!

2021 3D UPDATE

Gain from my game dev mate and independent game expert, David Wehle, how to make a 3D game with no code with 5+ long stretches of pristine course happy.

These teachings taught me how to make my next 3D independent game!

Madly Dynamic Confidential Disagreement People group

There are north of 2,000 understudies at present hanging out on the private, selective local area, prepared to help you on your excursion.

The specialized parts of making games isn't exactly the principal battle for independent game devs. Large number of courses are accessible from educators who have never brought in sufficient money from their games to cover the bills. The genuine test is taking a practical item and offering it to get a reasonable, six figure pay. Not exclusively will I train you the specialized abilities to make a 2D game in Solidarity, I'm likewise going to show you my demonstrated strategy for building a brand, getting press inclusion and YouTuber consideration, and at last getting a supportable pay, or even 6 figures.

Featured Reviews

Chris Smith/@kraken_games

"I felt this was the thing I had been looking for. It was a widely inclusive course that taught advertising, effort, work of art, and yes even game development! This course is conveying beyond anyone's expectations and I'm very propelled and eager to deliver my most memorable game straightaway!"


Hannah Britain/@studiohannahart

"One thing this course has previously accomplished that I don't see frequently in web-based classes is that it's giving me CONFIDENCE. I feel sure that I can ideate and make a decent game utilizing this course, and that confidence is a major piece of the inspiration I really want to continue to chip away at it. However I haven't gotten done with the tasks (I'm at the 20% imprint, right now), I have proactively learned AND accomplished a ton towards my definitive objective of making a game, thus far am having loads of good times making it happen. What an extraordinary course!"

Justin Horner/@justinhhorner

"Thomas Brush [will] give you the information to get your independent game studio and task the social presence important to endure the over-soaked game development market while likewise pushing you to ponder your 'why' to remain propelled and spurred all through the excursion.

[…] You'll get sufficiently close to a superb local area of individuals teaming up and learning together, which merits the cost of the course alone. Out of the multitude of different networks, I invest the greater part of my energy with FTGD. It's seriously mind-blowing."

Zainab Al-Ansari/@ZsLaboratories

"I've just finished 11% of the tasks up to this point and right now feel I made out really well. How much information and apparatuses shared is unbelievable and the local area is agreeable and strong. Any individual who doesn't joke around about making a living off selling premium non mainstream games Requirements to get this course! I simply wish it was made sooner… "

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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